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Business Coaching
Business Coaching
Business Coaching Business Coaching Business Coaching Business Coaching Business Coaching

About the Founder and Owner,
Coach Al Lipper

What's Unique About Coach Al?

Interview with a
Successful Business Coach



Al Lipper attended Occidental College, Los Angeles, where he obtained his Advanced Bachelor's Degree in Cognitive Science (study of human thought). While in California , Al received a Ford Foundation fellowship, based on his academic background, to pursuer further studies.

In June 1993, Al completed his Mater's Degree in Education at Cal Poly State University , California with 4.0 GPA and was awarded Graduation with Distinction. As an avid aviator, Al earned a Commercial Pilot license, as well as Flight Instructor and Advanced Ground School Instructor certifications.

In June 1999, he completed a second Master's Degree in Psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in the San Francisco Bay Area. During 2006, Al entered Mastery University at Robbins Research Institute.


Business experience

For over 15 years, Al has conducted workshops that focus on communication, teamwork for professionals. His clients have ranged from executives to students. Additionally, he has facilitated workshops emphasizing personal empowerment, self-confidence and leadership for clients of all ages. His business experience has grown as he initiated a number of start-up companies.

More recently, he served for four years as President & CEO of an automotive engineering company. Based on his extensive background, Al was asked to be on the faculty at California Polytechnic University in the College of Business , where he taught for three years.

In order to serve people on a more individual basis and from more of the holistic perspective he embraces in his own life, he has directed his efforts to providing business coaching services to owners of small businesses.


Personal Life

In February of 2002, Al and his wife, Aurora, joyfully welcomed their beautiful baby boy, Benjamin Martin Lipper, into the world. After many long months, they celebrated yet another miracle of life in March 2005 with Joseph Lincoln Lipper. Al, Aurora, Benjamin, and Joseph are now looking forward to spending many years together enjoying all the wonder and imagination that life has to offer.


Professional Focus

Many small business owners have learned the business strategies needed for lasting success through Al's business coaching services. He shares his unique perspective on overcoming the stressful and overwhelming tasks of running a profitable small business through his experiences as a leadership coach, CEO, and motivational speaker.


Who do you help?

"I help small business owners struggling to grow their company. I help overwhelmed business owners who spend most their time wrapped up in daily business tasks, who can't handle any more clients, or who feel they can't make any more money from their business.

"I help clients find new business strategies which result in generating more clients, increased profits, and more free time for the business owner.

"While most business owners are truly masterful in their practice, it is unfortunate that the majority of them have never been given formal guidance in operating a business. No matter what type of person you are, business skills can be learned. It's not that some people have it and some don't – anyone can learn what it takes to run a successful business.


What is coaching like?

"In our first session, we'll take a look at the current state of your business, as well as your long-term vision for it. We will develop a concrete plan for getting from where you are to where you want to be. We'll identify where you're blocked and implement strategies to move beyond the obstacles.

"Following sessions will focus on the implementation and revision of the plan as you move toward your goal. If increased revenues are on of your goals, we'll look at your monthly profits and determine strategies for reaching your financial goals. We'll continue to improve them based on the results you attain.

"During our coaching sessions, we'll discuss what is working well for you and what is stopping you or keeping you from moving forward. We'll examine any pressing issues that have evolved during the week. Whether it is a difficult employee or you're facing an IRS audit, we'll focus on the issue and leave you with a set of concrete actions for moving toward a solution.

"At the end of each session, we'll determine the next steps needed to go forward. After each session, you will know exactly what you need to focus on that week in order continue progress toward your goal.

"You'll consider powerful and insightful questions and exercises to clarify your goals, remove the obstacles to what you really want. You'll receive the tools, structure, and consistent unbiased feedback from me to keep you on track."


What traits do you think can help someone succeed at their small business?

"About 80% percent of success depends on your mental paradigm and only 20% on your practical skills. In coaching we work on both – you gain the concrete knowledge needed, as well as seeing your business in the ways that those who own the most successful small businesses do.

"Accept that every business – even ones that focus on people , not money – must make a profit. If they don't, they won't survive, and won't be able to continue to help people.

"Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate. Anytime you try a new strategy – whether it's offering a new class or doing a new type of advertising – have a way to measure your results. You need a sure way to tell 'Did I get more business from this or not? Did I make a profit on this or not' "



Key Highlights About Coach Al:

Since 1991, I have led workshops in team building, effective leadership, and personal development, serving thousands of clients through Cal Poly State University, Destiny: Success, and Centered Business.

Additionally, I have served on the faculty of California Polytechnic State University in the College of Business.

Formal education includes an undergraduate degree in Cognitive Science (the study of human thought), as well as two graduate degrees - one in Education, the other in Psychology.

As an entrepreneur and businessman, I have been involved in a number of start-up business ventures and served for four years as President & CEO of a local company.

For two years as facilitator of a wellness program, I worked with others to effectively bring more balance into their lives.


Am I perfect?

Now that you know a bit more about me, you should know that I am very human ! My life isn't perfect, and I don't have it all worked out. I am a work in progress (thankfully, or what else would I spend my time on?)

I feel human emotions, just like you: happy, sad, judgmental, scared, stressed, angry, defensive, and overwhelmed. Sometimes I eat dessert before breakfast, and I even get in disagreements with my lovely wife. It's all part of the whole human experience. I wouldn't change a thing.

What do I do for fun , you ask? I spend time with my family, tai chi, hike, fly airplanes, go to the beach, learn new things, write short stories, volunteer, build things, laugh with friends and try just about any new experience I get the chance to (at least once).

I am excited about life and live with passion and playfulness. I am grateful for my amazing family and my outstanding life I am fortunate enough to have. I serve our world by sharing what I have learned in a unique and powerful way through Business Coaching.




Al Lipper

Small Business Coach

Copyright (c) 2006 Destiny: Success. All rights reserved.  
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